A 10k Collection of unique, collectible Digital Art. The AstroNaughties are a bunch of "Rebellious, Rascal Astronauts that are heading to the Moon!" Owning an Astronaughtie grants you Access and Membership to the Exclusive - Moon Polo Club! Benefits include - Access to IRL Events, Astro Merch and Astro OG Rewards.

Activity coming soon *
Holding Amount Distribution
Total holders: 136
Average amount per holder: 7
Top 10 Holders
# | Address | Holding Amount |
1 | rGNuFE4e2c5NwEp2HnuiJqaSVdaNYRQ7PV | 413 |
2 | rfCHpFCwGtAa8zzUMDhD2YJvZCTxYEwBx1 | 66 |
3 | rwxh82VYYv84W9hZG3cmpS5s37xpDAjfdF | 43 |
4 | rnA7GhHW2SmLFz8si6UVcZMjws91PwLBqi | 39 |
5 | rLUHZDHsdxixwguXSGAceaUUuo6gieHmeg | 26 |
6 | rP5iJTpyvjdTdisDfVUmZuTACWwSzEpfB6 | 18 |
7 | rDxrJmAStgQhMxEfRi9Gs5tuxfeHW93iWg | 17 |
8 | rPScVeKsavEVpMZbcuXyaHidfJ3KY13qRB | 16 |
9 | r98AFavzLpD37uR7LZ25xEyTcoovS11aik | 15 |
10 | rG4LZMMxcuwvchWTyGTpoJhPxAiyutzorj | 13 |